Who we are
Daniel M. Price
Founder and Managing Director
Daniel M. Price focuses on international economic policy, trade, and regulatory matters, drawing on his experience as the White House international economics advisor and G8/G20 “Sherpa,” USTR Deputy General Counsel, Deputy Agent to the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, and Senior Partner and Chair of International Trade and Dispute Resolution Group at Sidley Austin.
Daniel Bahar
Managing Director
Daniel Bahar focuses on international trade and investment issues, including the intersection between national security, trade, and the digital economy, drawing on his experience as Assistant US Trade Representative for Services and Investment at USTR, where he led services, investment, and digital trade policy development, including USTR’s CFIUS role, China investment market access negotiations, and digital trade negotiations.
Jon Cunliffe
Senior Policy Advisor
Sir Jon Cunliffe focuses on macroeconomic and financial policy, including banking and nonbank issues, payments, sustainable finance, operational resilience, and digital assets, drawing on his experience as Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, the UK’s Permanent Representative to the European Union, and International Economic and Financial Advisor and G7/G20 Sherpa to Prime Ministers Brown and Cameron.
Philippe Etienne
Senior Policy Advisor
Philippe Etienne focuses on geopolitics, transatlantic relations, and European affairs, drawing on his experience as Permanent Representative to the European Union, Diplomatic Advisor and G7/G20 “Sherpa” to French President Emmanuel Macron, and French Ambassador to the United States. He also served as French Ambassador to Germany and Romania and held numerous other positions in France’s Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Jean-David Levitte
Senior Policy Advisor, Emeritus
Jean-David Levitte focuses on European policy issues and foreign relations, drawing on his experience as Senior Diplomatic Advisor and G8/G20 “Sherpa” to former French Presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and Jacques Chirac. He also served as French ambassador to the US, Permanent Representative to the UN, and held numerous positions in the French Foreign Ministry (including postings in Beijing and Hong Kong).
Katherine K. Martin
Managing Director
Katherine K. Martin focuses on international financial regulatory, sustainability, digital assets, and other economic policy matters, drawing on her experience as Head of International Regulatory Policy and Supervisory Cooperation at the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and SEC representative to the Financial Stability Board and International Organization of Securities Commissions.
Michael Smart
Managing Director
Michael J. Smart focuses on international trade and investment policy, including market access and regulatory matters, drawing on his experience as International Trade Counsel for the US Senate Committee on Finance, Director for International Trade and Investment at the National Security Council, Associate at Sidley Austin LLP, and Legislative Director for a US Congressman.
Matt Swinehart
Managing Director
Matt Swinehart focuses on international financial regulatory, sustainability, digital assets, and trade policy matters, drawing on his experience as Deputy Assistant Secretary and Director for International Financial Markets at US Treasury, where he led Treasury’s engagement on financial sector issues at the G7, G20, and Financial Stability Board.
Scott McCallum, Senior Policy Analyst
Scott McCallum researches and reports on international economic policy, digital economy, and trade and investment issues. Mr. McCallum received his BS in Business Administration from Georgetown University and his MA in International Relations from Johns Hopkins SAIS. He previously served as a Global Trade Advisor with TradeMoves LLC, where he focused on trade policy and market access issues.
Zoe Mize, Senior Policy Analyst
Zoe Mize researches and reports on international finance, regulatory matters, and investment issues. Ms. Mize received her BA in International Studies from American University and MA in International Relations and Economics from Johns Hopkins SAIS. She previously served as a Research Assistant for the China Connects program at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, tracking Belt and Road Initiative developments.
Virginia Barth, Office Manager
Virginia Barth is responsible for all aspects of office management, including finance, schedule coordination, and operations. A native South Carolinian, Ms. Barth received her BA in Political Science from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She previously worked as an executive assistant in government relations and on Capitol Hill.